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WP6 Integration, testing, application and initial validation of prototype systems


Nicolas Bousserez

Nicolas Bousserez

Nicolas Bousserez

WP6 Co-leader

Dr Nicolas Bousserez has extensive experience working on large scientific projects with NASA Science teams and Copernicus at ECMWF, supporting research activities for atmospheric trace-gas inversions and data assimilation systems. He is currently working on the design and development of the future Copernicus CO2 service. His areas of expertise include atmospheric chemistry, remote sensing, inverse methods and numerical algorithms for high-dimensional optimisation problems.

Gregoire Broquet

Gregoire Broquet

Gregoire Broquet

WP4 Co-Leader

Gregoire Broquet has a 18-year expertise in the development and application of data assimilation systems for ocean modeling and for the atmospheric inverse modeling of greenhouse gas (GHG) fluxes. Since 2009, he supervises at LSCE a range of activities for the monitoring of natural and anthropogenic GHG fluxes from the continental to the city / industrial site scales, based on the assimilation of in situ and satellite data. He has been involved in various projects for the preparation of the Copernicus Anthropogenic Carbon Dioxide Monitoring (CO2M) mission and for the development of operational CO2 emission monitoring systems.

Paul Palmer

Paul Palmer

Paul Palmer

Project Member

My research group studies the atmosphere on Earth and other planets using data, models, and theory. To achieve this we develop novel analytical and computational models of land surface processes and atmospheric composition and physics, and confront them with ground-based, airborne and satellite data. 

Glen Peters

Glen Peters

Glen Peters

WP8 Co-Leader

Dr Glen Peters has been at the CICERO Center for International Climate Research in Oslo for over ten years and is now a Research Director for Climate Mitigation. He performs research on the causes of recent changes in carbon dioxide emission trends at the global and country level, and how these changes link to future emission pathways consistent with global climate objectives. He has a background in mathematics and physics.

Marc Bocquet

Marc Bocquet

Marc Bocquet

Project Member

Marc Bocquet has a PhD in theoretical physics from Ecole Polytechnique, and a Habilitation from Paris Sorbonne University.
He has been a postdoc fellow in the physics departments of the University of Warwick and of the University of Oxford.
He is currently professor at École des Ponts ParisTech and deputy director of the atmospheric environment research and
teaching centre (CEREA). He works in the field of data assimilation, machine learning and inverse problems in the
geosciences, with applications to atmospheric chemistry as well as in environmental statistics. He develops new
mathematical methods to better estimate the state of the atmosphere and the ocean, and their constituents, using large
sets of observations and complex models. He is a Fellow of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, and
an Editor for the Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, for Foundation of Data Science and for
Frontiers in Applied Mathematics and Statistics.

Federico Brocchieri

Federico Brocchieri

Federico Brocchieri

Project Member

Federico Brocchieri is a climate change consultant and researcher. He currently collaborates with the Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change (CMCC) and the Italian Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA). He is a member of Italy and EU's technical experts teams to the UNFCCC, providing scientific and technical support to the Italian Ministry of Ecological Transition on the development of the Transparency Framework under the Paris Agreement. Last December he published his first book on the UN climate negotiations.