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D9.7 Mid-Term Dissemination and Exploitation Report 2

Tanya Warnaars and Richard Engelen

To ensure that the CoCO2 project remains visible and results are taken up by the wider community, dissemination and exploitation activities play a major role.
Deliverable 9.7 provides an update of the activities performed by the project partners within the last 24 months of the project, and reviews both dissemination and exploitation plans.
In the past 24 months, the total number of journal papers published has reached 19. In the past 12 months alone, CoCO2 researchers presented their work 24 times in conferences and 10 times in workshops; and participated in one event organised by other H2020 projects. One workshop was organised by the project. Furthermore CoCO2 was mentioned in the Cordis news article on the Global Carbon Budget for 2022.
Exploitation activities remain focused on improving the various scientific elements produced within the CoCO2 project, with the ultimate aim being to establish an anthropogenic CO2 monitoring capacity within the Copernicus framework.